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Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2018

Reflection 8

   Yesterday I finished a book- Candide which in the end made me realize what is actually the most important in keeping yourself happy. It ended with the words "Let us cultivate our garden" which means to me that we have to keep ourselves busy even with simple activities to be satisfied. When I was thinking about it it reminded me of two weeks of the last summer that I spent with actually doing nothing effortable or productive. I remember that after that I felt even more lack of energy and satisfaction or happiness than if I was working really hard and was because of it exhausted. At least then I'd feel that I'm doing something important. That's why I think that these words are very accurate to nowadays world and we should keep them in mind when we e.g. complain for too much work.

Reflection 7

  Recently my class had to read a book "Cadide". Some of us didn't have to read it because we already discussed it in secondary school with mr muszyński and I was one of those people. Unfortunately I didn't read it back then so I had to do it recently. This made me think about our attitude to things that we are somehow forced to do. I mean as far as I remember I couldn't read this book earlier because it was incredibly boring and I didn't like the language it was written by but maybe I also felt like this because it was obligatory. A lot of students don't even start or don't finish their books and I think it is partly connected with the fact that they have to do ut. Even for me-a person who likes reading it is sometimes hard to get through those books and this is certainly caused by my attitude to them. I think this is a huge problem because then we might be less keen on reading outside of school.

Reflection 6

  Recently, I've watched quite an interesting Polish movie "Short film about killing". In my opinion it showed in a simple way how people perceive death or murder due to the person who committed the crime and the way of doing it. The main plot was about a young man who brutally killed a taxi driver. Firstly, I felt anger because all in the entire driver was an innocent man, the murderer didn't know him so he didn't seem to have a reason to commit that crime. I thought so until the next scenes showed that the man actually wanted to steal a car to go on a trip with his girlfriend. Of course this is not an excuse for his behaviour but at least it clears a little his motives. In the end the criminal confessed to his lawyer about his sad past, the fact that his friend accidently killed his sister. It seemed like in his opinion this accident was the reason why he changed and committed the crime.  Finally, there is a scene of the murderer execution and this was what

Why are alt-right politicians becoming more and more popular?

  Personally I have no idea why is this happening, I can't possibly imagine why people vote for poticians who are racist, intolerant or stir up violence as Bolsonaro is doing. In my opinion that kind of behaviour shows no empathy and this means that it's inhuman. Therefore there are three possible options that come to my mind which explain why that kinds of politicians are becoming popular. Firstly, people are not aware of the horrible things that he's doing e.g. they are blinded by the fake image which this person try to create. Because of their lack of political knowledge they vote for politicians that are the most popular. Second, the most obvious possible reason is that they share the same values and opinions so it makes sense that they want to be ruled by a kind of person that is similar to them. The last reason is that some people are not satisfied by the way previous politicians  were doing their jobs so they hope that the others will do it better. They usually don