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Reflection 7

  Recently my class had to read a book "Cadide". Some of us didn't have to read it because we already discussed it in secondary school with mr muszyński and I was one of those people. Unfortunately I didn't read it back then so I had to do it recently. This made me think about our attitude to things that we are somehow forced to do. I mean as far as I remember I couldn't read this book earlier because it was incredibly boring and I didn't like the language it was written by but maybe I also felt like this because it was obligatory. A lot of students don't even start or don't finish their books and I think it is partly connected with the fact that they have to do ut. Even for me-a person who likes reading it is sometimes hard to get through those books and this is certainly caused by my attitude to them. I think this is a huge problem because then we might be less keen on reading outside of school.


  1. Maybe the blame should be put on the choice of books. 'Candide' does indeed sound a bit old. Even in my school days we found the language a little hard to cope with. On the other hand, it's a classic so every educated person ...


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