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Reflection 4

Yesterday me and my family were at my grandma's having lunch together. There were also my grandma's older sister and her husband. On that meeting I realized that there are some huge differences between mine and my grandparent's generation. First of all, they seem to be much more open to people and they always have a topic to talk about. I think that people now use to be much more introvertic. It is probably caused by the way we communicate, it's not face to face and this makes us feel less comfortable with regular interactions.
Secondly I think that in the past people used to think about family as something more valuable than teenagers think now. I know that maybe it's because we're too young and maybe it'll change over the years but still I can't stop thinking about how my family will look like when my grandparent's are gone. I mean I am afraid that they're the only ones that that keep us together.
  I hope that I'm generalising and in other families it looks different because it would be terrible if the idea of intagrated family will fade away.


  1. What about your parents' generation? Are they more like your grandparents or like you?

  2. I think it will all change when you grow older. And it for sure depends on with who you talk.


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