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Wyświetlanie postów z wrzesień, 2018

Reflection 3

Last week my mum told me that maybe I like chemistry because I have it in my genes. My grandfather and grandmother were chemists so that was what she ment. After that I started thinking what actually has influence on our interests and talents and then who we become in the future. I think it is mostly an individual matter but also people surrounding us has a huge impact on this. First of all, usually we like subject not only because we're interested in this topic but also because of our teachers. It's them who makes us being motivated to learn more. Second of all, I think that our parents do have some sort of impact on our future jobs. It can be negative because e.g we want to be different from them and have completely different job or we are amazed by what they do so we want to follow their steps.   On the other hand maybe we are born with talents and we just develop them during our lives. It can't be just a coincident that there are families which members chose the same

Reflecion 2

A few days ago on my Polish lesson my teacher was talking about changes in the XXth century and one of these was new short hairstyles for women, which was very controversial in that time. This topic gave me the reflection that even if a 100 years passed from that time women still have a problem to have their hair cut this way. And why is that? This is just hair, men shave their heads quite often and usually nobody cares about it. That's because through the history there had been created an ideal of a woman with long hair which was a symbol of beauty and even sexuality. If we now ask a woman to have her head shaved, she would probably answer no. I think it's because we're under the influence of public opinion and therefore forced not to stand out from the group. We're frightened from being excluded or unacceptable. We shouldn't be judged so much by our appearance but now in the XXI century this is becoming a serious problem.

Reflction 1

  Last week when i was at my friend's house we were really depressed about the end of the holidays. While we where talking about school we figured out that maybe our usual lack of energy on the school year is related to the weather. If you think about it when we're studing it's nearly always on the cold seasons exept September, June and sometimes May. Therefore in countries where the weather is warmer students should have more energy to study. Maybe it is casused by vitamin D deficiency which is normally produced when we are on sun.