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Reflection 3

Last week my mum told me that maybe I like chemistry because I have it in my genes. My grandfather and grandmother were chemists so that was what she ment. After that I started thinking what actually has influence on our interests and talents and then who we become in the future. I think it is mostly an individual matter but also people surrounding us has a huge impact on this. First of all, usually we like subject not only because we're interested in this topic but also because of our teachers. It's them who makes us being motivated to learn more. Second of all, I think that our parents do have some sort of impact on our future jobs. It can be negative because e.g we want to be different from them and have completely different job or we are amazed by what they do so we want to follow their steps.
  On the other hand maybe we are born with talents and we just develop them during our lives. It can't be just a coincident that there are families which members chose the same careers. One of the examples is Gierymski symblings-Aleksander and Maksymilian. They are both famous Polish painters.
  To sum up I think that biology may have influence in this matter but the most important in developing our skills is what we do for ourselves to improve them.


  1. It may be like this, but have you thought about what impacts us the most? Teachers, parents or genetisc? it may be really usefull to know what and how can shape your life without even noticing it.

  2. I'm afraid the debate about what has more influence on us - our genes or the envirnment in which we grow up - has not been resolved yet. There is research, for example on twins, pointing in both directions.

  3. I never experienced situation that my parents told me what I must to do for a living, but your illustration of teacher who discourage students for their subject is familiar. Not all teachers, of course, but a lot of them are boring or mean for students and effectively discourage them for their lessons.


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