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A few days ago on my Polish lesson my teacher was talking about changes in the XXth century and one of these was new short hairstyles for women, which was very controversial in that time. This topic gave me the reflection that even if a 100 years passed from that time women still have a problem to have their hair cut this way. And why is that? This is just hair, men shave their heads quite often and usually nobody cares about it. That's because through the history there had been created an ideal of a woman with long hair which was a symbol of beauty and even sexuality.
If we now ask a woman to have her head shaved, she would probably answer no. I think it's because we're under the influence of public opinion and therefore forced not to stand out from the group. We're frightened from being excluded or unacceptable. We shouldn't be judged so much by our appearance but now in the XXI century this is becoming a serious problem.


  1. You will have noticed that short hair isn't a problem for me. It isn't a problem for many young attractive women in show business or the fashion industry who either cut their hair very short or shave their heads: Emma Watson, Cara Delavigne, Kristen Stewart, Rose McGowan, Natalie Portman.

  2. Famous and powerful women can do uncommon things without any consequences but what i think Zuzia talked about were normal girls and women that you go to school with or see on the street . I can also say that it is not really common among them to have a short haircut and it is considered sth rare.

  3. Society needs a long time to acclimatise changes, it's not matter about which field of our life we are talking about. I know a great number of people who don't have a problem with short hairstyle, but in whole society still live many people who judge someone, because he or her is just different.


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