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Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2017


                               GUERNICA As a conclusion of the topic about Picasso I decided to write about Guernica. It's a painting which Pablo painted in 1937 and now it's known at the global scale. It's probably one of the most famous paintings of Picasso. It is 349 cm high and 776 cm wide, so it's more like a mural painting but it's not on the wall but on a huge canvas. The whole process of creating was documented by a photographer who he dated then, Dora Maar. It can be know admired in the National Museum of Art in Madrid with her photos. The history of the masterpiece refers to the bomb that was dropped at a village in the North of Spain, Guernica. It caused a lot of damage including killing many civils. This was actually the first time when the artist painted something as a reaction to a political problem. Guernica shows the tragedy of war and suffering of the innocent. We can see there, in the left corner a p crying mother caring dead body of a

Picasso's women

                                                                     Picasso's women When we look at Picasso’s paintings we can see a lot of women’s portraits and acts. The reason is Picasso as many other artists had his muses. In a huge number of his mistresses there are only 7 with whom he lived for a longer time and who had influence on his art. The first one was Fernande Olivier  (1881-1996). He met her in 1904 when he moved to France. In 1907, when Fernande was with someone else he painted famous "Les demoiselles d'Avignon”. It is supposed that the feeling of jealousy had influence on him while painting the masterpiece. The second one was Eva Gouel. She was with the artist for 4 years and died because of tuberculosis in 1915. His first marriage was with Olga Koklova, a Ukraine woman, who gave birth to his son Paul. Unfortunately, he quickly became bored of this stable relationship and romanced with many other women although they didn’t get divorced. One

Pablo Picasso

PABLO PICASSO Pablo Picasso was born on 25th of October 1881 in Malada and lived for 92 years, quite a long time. His father was an art teacher and a good drawer so he quickly discovered his son's big talent and started to push him to go to an art school. Not all people know how good he actually was. Most of them look at his cubist paintings (like Guernica and Women from Avignon) and wonder why it's so famous and what is genius in them. For some people they look like paintings made by children from kindergarten. But at the beginning of his career he was a naturalistic painter. Here are some of his works from that time. Guess what, he painted “The old fisherman” when he was only 14.               Portrait of an artist’s mother 1896                                                           "The old fisherman" 1895                      "Science and Charity" 1897  In 1900 Pablo and his friend Carlos Casagemasa moved to Fr