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Picasso's women

                                                                     Picasso's women

When we look at Picasso’s paintings we can see a lot of women’s portraits and acts. The reason is Picasso as many other artists had his muses. In a huge number of his mistresses there are only 7 with whom he lived for a longer time and who had influence on his art. The first one was Fernande Olivier (1881-1996). He met her in 1904 when he moved to France. In 1907, when Fernande was with someone else he painted famous "Les demoiselles d'Avignon”. It is supposed that the feeling of jealousy had influence on him while painting the masterpiece.

The second one was Eva Gouel. She was with the artist for 4 years and died because of tuberculosis in 1915.

His first marriage was with Olga Koklova, a Ukraine woman, who gave birth to his son Paul. Unfortunately, he quickly became bored of this stable relationship and romanced with many other women although they didn’t get divorced.

One of his next women was Marie-Therese Walter who was only 17 when they started dating and was with him for 7 years. In this period Picasso painted a lot of her portraits. She gave birth to his daughter Maia. Unfortunately she hung herself in 1977 because of him.

In 1939 he met a Yugoslav photographer Dora Maar. She documented the whole process of creating Guernica, which can be now admired in the National Museum in Madrid with the painting. He was with her to 1944. After they broke up, she had a nervous breakdown and never recovered.

The only woman who actually left Picasso by herself was Françoise Gilot. She gave birth to his 2 children, Claude and Paloma and wrote a book about him.

The last Picasso’s woman was Jacqueline Roque who was his mainstay for the last years of his life and was his second wife. She was the only woman that Pablo didn’t cheat on. When the artist died in 1977 she sorted out his inheritance issues. Unfortunately in 1986 she committed suicide because she couldn’t live without him.

All in all, Picasso was a handsome man and young in spirit throughout his life and therefore he attracted a lot of women. However, he wasn’t loyal to them. That’s why two of them committed suicide and two went mad.







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