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Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2019

can fashion be sustainable?

This video showed that fast fashion has a huge impact on polluting our planet. This happens because of the amount of clothing that we produce every year which is unnecessary because in many cases we throw unused clothes away. It's also a waste of material and human work. The second important thing is that during process of producing clothes many chemicals are used which are also dangerous for the Earth. To sum up, we should start consume less to keep our planet healthy. words: sustainable, take for grated, chande attitude towards something Plastic isn't sustainable for the environment. After reading an article about Trump I changed my attitude towards him. I took your theory for granted.

Tracey Emin- What do artists do all day?

The video that I watched showed how an artist Tracey Emin works every day. Though it seems obvious her work doesn't consist only of painting or drawing. She also has to do things that are related with her exhibitions and her finaces to keep her "business" running. She often travels to other countries when she's having exhibitions or she gives lectures and by the way visits museums to get some inspiration for new paintings. words: without a doubt, rush up, over-the-topic Without a doubt global warming is caused by humans. My essay was over-the-topic so I didn't get a good grade. I had to rush up because I didn't want to be late for school.