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Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2018

Would you like to spend a week in the Mandarin Oriental?

Yes, but only if I didn't have to pay or I would be rich enough to afford it. Normally I wouldn't choose a place like that because it doesn't impress me so much. But the place has a great location to visit London and this is very import for me because I usually travel for sightseeing. I'm sure spending a week in the Mandarin Oriental would be a pure pleasure because of it's delicious food, the atmosphere and the luxury.

Why in the age of science do so many people belive in supernatural things?

I think that nowadays people don't believe in supernatural things so much like in the past but still it's quite a big number. It's probably because we want to know that something happens on purpose. We simply don't want to think that things so serious like e.g death is usually a matter of health and we can't do anything about it exept the treatment. That's why people may have invented religion and supernatural things, to explain themselves lots of hard to understant things in the world.