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Wyświetlanie postów z styczeń, 2018

Frida's paintings

  Frida Kahlo's paintings   Through her life Frida painted many works with different meanings. I thought that I will show you few of them with an explanation of the symbolism because it can be sometimes hard to understand. "Henry Ford Hospital" This is a portrait of Frida, she painted after an abortion in America in 1932, she was there because of husband's work. It was a very traumatic moment of her life.  We see her lying in a hospital bed, covered in blood. There are 6 "veins" that comes from her stomach and connect with: a baby, the one that she always wanted to have,  snail  that symbolizes a slow and painful abortion,  a purple flower that her husband had given to her,  woman's organs detached from the body which show the way she was thinking about herself that she's useless as a woman because she wasn't able to carry out the pregnancy. There are also some surgical tools, painted in cold, blue colours and pelvis which symbolize

Frida Kahlo

                             FRIDA KAHLO    About a month ago I was was in Poznań at an exhibition of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. I really enjoyed it and that's why I decided to write about them. Not without a purpose they were shown togther, they were married and both were artists from Mexico.  Frida Kahlo (actually  Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderón )   was born on 6th of July 1907 in Cayoacan. When she was only 18 she was a victim of a communication accident and she was badly injured. She had her spine, collarbone, ribs, pelvis and a lot of other bones broken. Because of that she couldn't move her legs and have children. During her life she had about 35 operations for her leg and spine. She tried having a baby 3 times but unfortunately she didn't make it.   After the accident, she spent 3 months lying in her bed and then she started to paint. Usually it was her family member's portaits. After she finally tought herself how to walk again, she showed he