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Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2019

How trees talk to each other?

  Trees in a forest are divided into hub trees-the oldest and the tallest ones and smaller trees. Those which are taller have greater access to sunlight and therefore produce more sugar that they need. Because of that fungi receive it and give in exchange their nutrients. Through the fungi system smaller trees are connected with the hub trees and they can use it to send warning signals if a tree is infected or to exchange nutrients. I think this knowledge is valuable because it shows how the oldest trees are important in the ecosystem. You usually use  thread to sew something. Plants must be watered to stay vital. Plants can be grown from seedlings or seeds,

Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring

A Girl with a Pearl Earring is one of the most famous paintings in the world. It might be as popular for the same reason as Mona Lisa which is the mysterious look that impresses viewers and the history hidden beneath it. Although this technique is very painstaking and time-consuming, the smoothness of brush strokes makes a unique character to the woman's face which is innocent and simple. The lighting has also a big impact on its atmosphere. It highlights most important elements and draw viewer's eyes. Words: indeterminate, to gaze, painstaking Some paintings have  indeterminate  meaning. You should be  painstaking  to do your job properly. I was  gazing  out of the window while travelling by train.

Is it possible to live plastic free?

Our society has a serious problem with plastic consumption. We use so much of it that we can't deal without it. The video showed how a man challenged himself to live plastic free for a month. It wasn’t easy because nowadays most of food products are wrapped in plastic. There is also a problem with expenses because usually eco food is more expensive but sometimes it's cheaper e.g. buying coffee in your own reusable cup gives you discount. I think that regardless of the difficulty we should try to use less plastic to protect the environment but probably it's not possible to live completely free of it. words: penalty, incentive, to throw oneself into sth I threw myself into that work and couldn't stop doing it. Some people think death penalty should be legalised Kids sometimes needs an  incentiv e to eat food they don't like.

Living off the land of Hawaii

  Nowadays we're dependent on big industries and I think that it's a problem. Usually we have to buy food that shops provides us but it's getting less healthy because it's mass grown and polluted by dangerous chemicals. Whereas, if it's organic, it's usually more expensive. This video shows that there're still people who provides food for themselves by hunting or growing it. For some it may seem primitive but I think that it's better for the environment, healthier for us and also cheapier. words: remote place, descendant, self-sufficiency People usually don't live in remote areas. Children aren't self-suffient because they're dependent on their parents. After king's death his descendant inherits the crown. .