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Wyświetlanie postów z grudzień, 2018

Reflection 9

  Lately I've been thinking about efficiency of home schooling. That's because I saw a video in which a girl said that she already graduated when she was just 15 and it was because she was home schooling not because she was some kind of genius. For me it seems really extraordinary because of her age. That on the other hand reminded me of the time when I was trying to catch up with the chemistry material last summer because I wanted to study with bio-chem class the following year. I remember that in about 4 weeks I managed to learn nearly all the material which that class did in half a year. Since I've been going to these chemistry classes I realized that sometimes we are required to learn some stuff that is completely useless like e.g. handbook definitions from which we are questioned on every lesson in front of class. Now I'm not so sure if I did the right thing to study chemistry at school because I actually might be able to study it with the same exam results and les