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Wyświetlanie postów z czerwiec, 2018

What do we learn about modern society from "the Joneses"?

Now we live in a society addicted to internet and social media and we could assume that in some time we wouldn't need other people and everyone would live on their own. Still, we have our needs and can't live as complete individuals. Also we can see that our society is becoming more and more easily influenced by and believe in fake images created by others.

Does art need to be beautiful?

Nowadays art is different from the art that was created in the past, when everything had to be aesthetic and simply beautiful. Now artists rather try to shock us by their works. So no, art does"t have to be beautiful, but it shouldn't be ugly either. I think that when a work of art is intryguing it just doesn't matter if it's ugly or beautiful because we don't think about it that way. But it's just my opinion, maybe for lots of people it is important.